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12 July 2021 - 13 July 2021
European Matchmaking event - Development and production of COVID-19 therapeutics

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European Matchmaking event - Development and production of COVID-19 therapeutics

Targeted 1:1 meetings promises knowledge gain and new business contacts.

Press release "COVID-19 Therapeutics Strategy: Commission hosts a new EU matchmaking event to mobilise development and production of COVID-19 therapeutics" available at: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/mex_21_3663

Building on the experience of the EU Task Force for Industrial Scale-up of COVID-19 vaccines, the European Commission will facilitate cooperation between actors in the supply chain to ensure that available therapeutics are produced in sufficient quantity as soon as possible. In the context of a surge in demand, it remains crucial to ensure the speedy production of current and new therapeutics against COVID-19. To support the industry, the Commission organises the pan-EU matchmaking events for all supply chain actors, so that they find solutions for the bottlenecks encountered. 

Medicines for COVID-19 are still in the development phase. Therefore, the objective of the event is to help accelerate the development of new and repurposed medicines for COVID-19 therapeutics, i.e. medicines specifically developed for an indication in treatment of COVID-19, at all stages of COVID-19 disease and mobilise the EU pharma manufacturing capacity for their potential production.

The target group is the entire EU COVID-19 therapeutics value chain starting with researchers and developers, through manufacturing companies and representatives of the hospitals, who apply such therapeutics to their patients. The providers of ancillary functions such as clinical trials services, accessories suppliers (e.g. vials, syringes, tubes etc.), funding providers and public procurers will also be targeted to take part in the event.

The event will take place virtually on 12th and 13th July 2021. 12th July will start with a half-day seminar setting the scene with a welcome by Commissioner Breton and Commissioner Kyriakides.

The objectives of the event are to:

  • Support the acceleration of the development and upscale of Covid-19 therapeutics production
  • Enhance the participation of EU companies in the Covid-19 therapeutics value chains.
  • Speed up connections between therapeutics developers, investors and companies such as EU Contract (Development and) Manufacturing Organisations (CDMOs/CMOs), fill & finish, equipment producers, packaging, storage etc.
  • Help in retro-planning strategy for the current and future therapeutics production.


  • Preparatory live webinar - Monday, 14th June, 2021
    14h - 14: 30h CEST
    - ‘Matching capacities for COVID19 therapeutics production’ to kick-off registration to the event

The recorded version of the webinar is available at:

  • Technical live webinar - Wednesday, 30th June, 2021
    10:00 – 10:30 (CEST) - Webinar: Matchmaking Logistics

The recorded version of the webinar is available at:

  • DAY 1 - Monday, 12th July, 2021
    9:00h - 12:00h (CEST)
    - Launch of the EU matchmaking event on COVID19 Therapeutics: Experts seminar
    13:00h - 17:00h (CEST) - Matchmaking meetings

  • Day 1 - Tuesday, 13th July, 2021
    09:00 - 17:00h (CEST) -
    Matchmaking meetings

How to apply?

In order to apply to the event, European companies must comply with the requirements stated in the event's Call for Expression of Interest.

Your experience in this event counts very much for us: testimonials welcome!

The European Commission will very much appreciate learning about your experience from this event. We are particularly keen to hear from you about the results from the event, especially if it lead to further business deals for your company. With your permission, we would like to share such testimonials on the event in the Commission website or other channels.

Your testimonials can be provided through the follow-up survey that you will receive after the event or by email to the European Commission’s Task Force for Industrial Scale-Up of COVID19 Vaccines and therapeutics here: GROW-TFIS@ec.europa.eu. On twitter, please can tag @EU_Growth if you post your testimonial through this channel.

Closed since 8 July 2021
Organised by
Spain 41
Germany 34
Italy 20
France 18
Austria 16
Netherlands 15
Belgium 15
Portugal 14
Ireland 8
Greece 8
Poland 7
United States 6
Denmark 6
Malta 5
United Kingdom 5
Switzerland 5
Sweden 4
Latvia 4
Czech Republic 3
Lithuania 3
Romania 3
Norway 3
Bulgaria 2
Luxembourg 2
Slovakia 2
Hungary 2
Slovenia 1
Cyprus 1
Total 253